Hey Dr. Baptiste! Hope your doing well. This is my first ever written testimonial so let me know if you need anymore of a certain angle, more exploration on a topic, whatever! Im flexible!

Isaiah Mark Owens

Embarking on a journey to Kenya alongside Dr. Moises Baptiste proved to be an invaluable experience that will forever hold a special place in my collegiate and personal life. Having never ventured beyond the borders of America before, and lacking the resources to truly envision such possibilities, Dr. Baptiste’s expertise, effective communication, and infectious enthusiasm added an extra layer of excitement to my inaugural international travel.

From the moment we set foot in the Chattanooga Tennessee airport, Dr. Baptiste urged us to “relish in every single moment, as each one contributes to the overall journey.” Upon landing in Nairobi, it became evident that Dr. Baptiste wasn’t just offering words; he truly embodied what he had shared. The people we had already came into contact with such as the server at a McDonald’s or the TSA agent were all apart of the overall journey.

Throughout our expedition, Dr. Baptiste fostered a culture of inquiry, encouraging us to pose questions that stimulated our intellectual growth as well as creative ways of thinking. Whether delving into the impact of food, confronting our own cultural blind spots concerning the Massai people, or examining community-driven conservation initiatives, his insights sparked thought-provoking discussions, enriching our comprehension of the intricate tapestry of life beyond our familiar surroundings.

On a personal level, I had long admired Dr. Moises Baptiste from a distance. Working closely with him, I witnessed the transformative impact he has on the world. Rooted in a profound cultural foundation, Dr. Baptiste exudes a sense of purpose that resonates with many in my community, especially as a black man of his caliber. His mentorship is unique; rather than handing you a predefined purpose, he equips you with the tools and navigation skills to forge your own path. Dr. Baptiste played a pivotal role in my decision to incorporate playwriting into my life. His love for Haiti, dedication to aiding others, and the deep affection he holds for Dr. Shewanne Howard-Baptiste are not only inspiring but also emblematic.

As we bid farewell to Kenya, a deep sense of gratitude washes over me for the extraordinary opportunity to learn under the guidance of Dr. Moises Baptiste in such a remarkable setting. His passion, expertise, and authentic concern for the natural world have left an indelible mark on my journey, motivating me to continue exploration, learning, and active participation in seeing what I, Isaiah Mark Owens, can do for others outreaching my version of the word “home.” He got me to eat beet soup… and I despise beets. So let that be a lesson towards how great he is.24 Day Africa Adventure
Content coming soon.

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