Dr. Mo

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I went to Haiti with Dr. Mo in 2016 to participate in the Haitian American Caucus. My experience in Haiti was both seamless and rewarding. From touchdown to the compound, my safety was assured by my group and the guards. If you’re feeling generous, let someone outside the airport help you with your bags because the service isn’t free.

One part of the experience that I often reflect on was my level of dependance due to not knowing Creole. Children had more power than I did in some aspects due to this. It was also refreshing to know that I could trust my translators and those around me as Dr. Mo had that part covered. There was space for play amongst the work. I shopped for Hatian goods that I wouldn’t get in the U.S., got to see the country as we went to pick up a school bus, and got to see local talent at the metal market.

I also got to rest after the work. We went to a beach house which I found to be restorative. While there, I also found time to reflect as I was in the midst of a transition in my life. If you get the opportunity to travel with Dr. Mo, I would take it. The vast majority of your needs will be accounted for and with the way he plans there’s flexibility for whatever wasn’t initially considered. Another thing to look forward to is growth. Something about you will be different by the trip’s end and I encourage you to lean into that.

With gratitude,


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